Messe Frankfurt leaves strong
If there are any trade shows that have been strongly impacted by the pandemic, it is definitely those in Frankfurt. trade fairs, many of which are dedicated to home furnishings and decoration with behemoths such as Ambiente, and its some 5,000 exhibitors, Heimtextil dedicated to household linen in all its forms, Christmasworld which tells Christmas with so much talent, Light and building leader in all categories of the lighting sector, or ISH.
Faced with such a storm, it was to be feared for the sustainability of all these appointments. Would some people disappear after such a shock, it was legitimate to ask the question. Only it is to forget a little quickly, that Messe Frankfurt has seen others.
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ToggleThe power of tradition
Indeed, and moreover the German giant never fails to recall it, Messe Franfort draws its strength, its power from a history that goes back to the times of the High Middle Ages, and it is very proud of it. This anchoring in the past is an incomparable asset to show everyone that its fairs, which come from already very ancient times, have withstood the centuries, the changes of era, the most destructive wars and of course the times of pandemic. The fact remains that what we have just experienced is quite unique in the turbulent history of humanity. The world has had to face a dangerous, ultra-contagious, mutating and evolving virus, which came from China, without our knowing very well its origin or its evolution. Difficult to make more complicated. Fortunately, human genius was able to control its devastating force thanks to the efforts of scientists who very quickly put a vaccine on the market, the effectiveness of which made it possible to limit the damage. The populations have masked up, confined themselves, protected themselves as much as possible, so much so that the virus has become less aggressive and less dangerous wave after wave, and it is reasonable to think that the worst is behind us, even if it it's about staying vigilant.
However, we were never discouraged at Messe Frankfurt, even during the most difficult times, working tirelessly on appointments. Good draw since it seems that the threat is moving away. And that all the shows are on a war footing, to the delight of exhibiting companies and visitors, who are only asking for that. Indeed, everyone now realizes the importance of "physical" meetings, even if this crisis has made it possible to see the emergence of so-called "hybrid" shows where real contacts and those online are mixed, via the e-commerce.
Ask for the Messe Frankfurt program
Before all these reopenings which will take place over time according to a calendar which will undergo some modifications, it seemed important to us to make a small point on the return of the major meetings in Frankfurt, in a context which promises to be encouraging despite a new element of crisis with the war in Ukraine, the outcome of which no one knows, but which will not prevent humans from meeting to trade, which remains the best way to preserve peace. So here is the schedule of appointments 2022/2023.
Heimtextil: It's already summer
Heimtextil, the major global event for upholstery textiles in all its forms, was held from June 21 to 24, in conjunction with the technical fairs Techtextil and techprocess. This decision could come as a surprise when one knows the importance that Messe Frankfurt attaches to the stability of the dates of its fairs, but faced with the consequences of the pandemic, the professional organizations and associations of the furnishing and interior textile sector, bedding, bathroom linen, tableware, toppings, which constitute the backbone of the offer, wanted the show, canceled in 2021, to take place as soon as possible. So it's done.
Light & Building. The lights of autumn
From October 2 to 6, the major exhibition dedicated to lighting and the so-called intelligent building signs its return. It will be mainly dedicated to smart and connected solutions, technologies and trends of the future. Digital will be the focal point for all new things and innovations. To date, 1,300 companies from around fifty countries have already decided to exhibit there. It is therefore a safe bet that the success of the return of this meeting is already recorded. Light & Building 2022: From October 2 to 6.
Ambiente: Winter will be warm
Ambiente is first and foremost an absolutely unique offer in terms of its quantity and variety. Always focused on the trilogy Dining/Living/Giving, which already attracted around 5,000 exhibitors, its 2023 version will be enriched next year with the simultaneous presence of the marvelous show Christmasworld dedicated to Christmas and celebrations in all their forms, as well as Paperworld, where stationery is exhibited. This is to say the power of the upcoming event in Frankfurt in February. Moreover, the players in all these sectors have not been mistaken and with some 8 months to go before the big meeting, companies from all these sectors are jostling. Next winter will be warm in Frankfurt. Ambiente/Christmasworld/Paperworld 2023 : From February 3 to 7.
ISH: Sacred challenges for the future
We all know that air and water are on the way to becoming very precious assets that will have to be protected in a context of global warming. However, winters will continue to invade us with waves of cold that will force us to warm ourselves and we will need water in our daily lives no matter what. It will therefore be the use of these two elements that will have to be optimized, whether in terms of heating, or to cool us with the increase in power of the air conditioning. There will also be a lot to discover about how to use our bathrooms, which we will have to think about in terms of energy savings and sustainability. All the products involved in these sectors will present the fruit of research by players in these sectors during this show, the importance of the issues it generates continues to grow.
ISH 2023 : From March 13 to 17, 2023
So that's all the Messe Frankfurt, put back in the direction of the march of the world of commercial exchanges where we meet between humans. Some adjustments were necessary to adjust a very dense calendar. Trade Shows Mag will keep you informed in more detail of the evolution of each of these shows in due course.