spoga+gafa 2024

The only ones in the world

If there is a trade show that we can say has no equivalent in the world, it is the spoga+gafaTypes de traductions Traduction de texte Texte source 431 / 5 000 Résultats de traduction Résultat de traduction . Indeed, nowhere else can you find such an offer and this makes it an unmissable event. The lucky beneficiaries are players in the outdoor leisure market, where new products and innovations in the outdoor furniture, decoration, gardening, and barbecue world are exhibited. There is always a lot going on in these worlds and the spoga+gafa is the most significant showcase. Envoyer des commentaires Panneaux latéraux La traduction a bien été copiée

It is therefore from June 16 to 18 that the show will be held which confirms that this modified date after the Covid earthquake suits everyone, exhibitors and visitors, as the figures from the past edition have proven. Thus, more than 1,850 companies, spread over 14 halls, from 58 countries will be present at the heart of the exhibition center of the beautiful and green city of Cologne, which at the time of writing these lines, represents a remarkable rate of 96% occupancy of available space As for visitors, everything suggests that they will also make the trip in large numbers. Besides, how could all these people involved in these professions ignore such a unique platform, knowing that this meeting is the only one in the world. So we should not be surprised by the high level of internationality. On this subject, we can never emphasize enough the demands of the organizers who spare no effort. This is a specificity and the strength of the major German trade fairs and Koelnmesse is no exception to the rule. In terms of trends, we should note an increasing presence of European exhibitors, which does not surprise us, but also those from North America. If all the major market players have confirmed their participation, new entrants will make their debut, including a certain number of start-ups, well in tune with the times of digitalization and the rise of artificial intelligence. . All these signals are therefore more than positive, knowing the difficulties that the world is going through at the moment due to increasingly strong geostrategic tensions. Faced with these delicate circumstances, Stefan Lohrberg, director of the show, considers that the high reservation rates send a positive and important signal. “Thanks to their clear commitment to spoga+gafa. Despite a complex global context and sometimes difficult market conditions, companies are sending a strong signal. Our platform is the most essential meeting point in the sector, opening up new and unique business opportunities, which finally allows the entire green industry to benefit from the dynamics of our June meeting now. already successful in terms of number of exhibitors”. We cannot say so well.



A key theme in the spirit of the times

However, to attract exhibitors and visitors, beyond the offer you need a program, activities, themes, especially in a field as specific as the world of gardens in its broadest definition. On this subject The teams at the helm of the organization have largely proven their expertise and know-how over the years.
So for this edition, they have set up a key theme for this upcoming edition. He is named “Responsible Gardens”, a sensitive subject if ever there was one and which has already not failed to arouse interest within the profession. It will therefore play a major role in the development of the exhibition center. International experts will address the topic in depth through lectures and discussions at the “Forum Garden Café”. In addition a diversified program of events in special spaces such as the well-known “Boulevard of Ideas”, the “POS Green Solution Islands”, the “Outdoor Lifestyle Trend Show” and thematic tours awaiting visitors. The emphasis will be placed on the challenges of the industry, as well as solutions for the future of commerce, with the common thread of the 2024 edition, “Jardins Responsables”.

For an ever better world

Let's talk about this slogan, which is intriguing. How can a garden be responsible? This is precisely the offer of spoga+gafa which gives us the key to this enigmatic sentence. For organizers, the concept of responsibility is omnipresent in our daily lives, whether in our behavior or in everything we own, everything we experience. Everyone knows today that resources are not inexhaustible, that we are at the mercy of climatic phenomena from which we must protect ourselves preventively, without falling into paranoia. Let us add in the background the economic imperatives which weigh more and more on general purchasing power. In this context which concerns us all, it is a question for manufacturers of offering gardening tools and equipment that respect our precious environment, via innovative and multifunctional products, neutral in C02, recycled and recyclable, sustainable. Products as potentially polluting as lawn mowers or edge trimmers have adopted the most innovative technologies to meet these ever more demanding global specifications. The tooling highlights its versatility, thanks in particular to the possibility of using the same battery, without forgetting of course connectivity, a phenomenon which, unsurprisingly, will only increase. This famous versatility is found everywhere in everything used for life in the garden, such as the new nebulizers intended for humidifying plants, another major subject, since water comes into play and everyone knows how much it is. precious.

Gentleness and respect

In order to protect flora and fauna, natural protection and maintenance products are offered for gardening. For example, modern fertilizers are made from clover or sheep's wool. Using your own compost as fertilizer also promotes environmentally friendly plant care. Small and large models of practical composters are available for this purpose. Weeds are also eliminated without the use of chemicals. Endangered plant species, which are now part of the range of many garden centers, contribute to maintaining biodiversity. Growing herbs, fruits and vegetables yourself is becoming more and more popular. Even if the available space is limited, their cultivation is made easier thanks to small greenhouses, plant towers and pyramids. Stackable trays allow for space-saving storage. In addition, easy-to-use and compact tools are offered, especially for urban gardening. And if it gets too hot in small outdoor spaces, flower pots protect the greenery up to temperatures of 50 degrees.



A greener industry: CO2 neutral and recycled products

Overall, green industry is becoming “greener”. Many suppliers are now using wind energy and green electricity for the production of their garden products. The remaining emissions are offset by promoting reforestation or climate protection projects. Many new gardening products are 100% recyclable or CO2 neutral. Renewable raw materials such as wood from sustainably managed forests are increasingly used to manufacture materials for greenhouses or plant growing aids. Plant pots are often made from other natural materials like seaweed, reused basketry or recycled plastic.
These eco-responsibility phenomena applied to gardening and its maintenance will of course be found in all the halls. Garden furniture manufacturers have already become experts for some time in the use of recyclable materials, while respecting their codes of comfort and design. As for the players in the world of barbecue, it is through technology, particularly digital, that they are meeting these new challenges via ever more sophisticated devices, in the service of reducing energy consumption.
It is therefore a formidable movement towards an eco-responsible lifestyle that is the key theme of this 2024 edition of the spoga+gafa show. All the exhibitors have understood the meaning and are already ready to take up this challenge which, not only respecting the environment, will make life in the garden and its leisure activities more pleasant than ever.

June 16/18, 2024
Cologne Exhibition Center