MIFF 2024 exhibition

The art of synthesis

By crossing the symbolic milestone of thirty years, the MIFF show  showed that he had reached tremendous maturity. Beyond remarkable figures and statistics, this 2024 edition has clearly demonstrated that the years have made it possible to offer an event that has established a link between all cultures in the world of furniture and decoration. From now on, the Kuala Lumpur meeting is a real window on the world.

However, we will be careful not to speak of maturity after three decades. The organizers have long demonstrated their know-how and talent. They have succeeded year after year in making the show completely unmissable in South East Asia, to the point of making it number 1 in the region. However, all this did not happen in one day. The MIFF, it’s a whole story that has been written over the years without the slightest fault. The strength of the organizers lies in the fact of having been able to understand and manage an event in all its dimensions from the start, through the exceptional welcome (we will come back to this later in this article) the entertainment, scripting, highlighting the offer, and optimizing commercial exchanges between exhibitors and visitors. All these parameters represent a huge amount of work for an event that only takes place over a few days. The task is all the more difficult when all this is happening at the end of the world, on the borders of South East Asia, in this Malaysia known as much for its tourist attractions as as the new economic dragon. In any case, this one is spitting fire, since the country has become one of the nations that counts, called for significant growth in the years to come according to economist experts, in what is undoubtedly the most dynamic area on the planet. In these times of multiple crises and conflicts, the country still seems to be moving forward, even if it is not without problems. But it is true that there is a general consensus around the desire for industrial development which has so far worked rather well. We must also not forget the multicultural, multi-ethnic dimension of the country which functions without major hitches, which proves that anything is possible between men of good will.

MIFF 2034


A milestone reached

But Kuala Lumpur is far away, and making this show an international event constitutes quite a challenge. Long plane hours for visitors from the West are not always easy to manage in the schedules of buyers and professionals in the furniture and decoration sector. It was therefore a matter for the teams in charge of the MIFF to take up a huge challenge by making the Kuala Lumpur meeting a moment of the greatest importance in the agendas of decision-makers around the world. Over the years, this has become an essential goal in the show's long-term and sustainable development strategy. No one spared their efforts in this direction, without neglecting either the exhibitors or the local clientele. Still, a milestone has been reached, and international buyers are here and there. The results prove it since the 2024 edition of the MIFF welcomed no less than 5419 foreign visitors came from 120 countries and regions out of a total total of 19,213 people to have made the trip. If we look a little closer at these figures, we see that buyers from all four corners of the planet now represent no less than 25% of overall attendance, which is simply remarkable. Better yet, looking at the figures shows a 42% increase in first-time visitors. Internationalization is therefore a reality and proves that the work of the organizers has reaped the fruits of their efforts. Looking a little closer at the distribution by continent, we will notice without surprise that the most spectacular progression comes from Asian countries with an incredible jump of 68%, followed by North America, then Europe. and finally Oceania.
It is therefore clear that the MIFF has experienced considerable progress in all areas for this 2024 edition, the figures prove it beyond any possible dispute. It is especially worth noting the progress of foreign buyers. All this proves that the organizers hit the nail on the head, working on their offer with great skill. Thus, visitors were able to see that it presented local know-how, which mixed with more Western production in terms of design. The meeting of cultures was a reality at the show, and this synthesis certainly increased the interest of professionals in the sector. Today, the MIFF, is no longer the show where we mainly come to discover exotic new products from South East Asia. This has expanded, thanks to these new products and innovations proposed by manufacturers and industrialists who have perfectly known how to integrate the codes of globalization in terms of aesthetic choices. Still, international visitors were won over. This is a great success for the organizers. In our opinion, the Kuala Lumpur meeting can claim the right to join the restricted circle of global trade fairs which are important in the field of furniture and decoration. Finally, we must also emphasize another very significant result, namely the 48% increase in first-time visitors. This proves that the MIFF now has a great capacity for attraction.

MIFF 2024


The big turning point

Behind these remarkable statistics, we must see the result of very important in-depth work in terms of recruitment and targeting of potential visitors, but not only that. The show today has a reputation acquired over three decades, which is obviously not nothing, but it should nevertheless be noted that it has regained all its vigor and even more thanks to a very clever strategic bet. Indeed, while all exhibition events and of course exhibitions and fairs were prohibited almost everywhere on the planet during COVID, the MIFF anticipated the end of the epidemic, and organized an edition before all the major national and international events reopened their doors. All this was put in place with infinite precautions, as the conditions at the time were so stressful. Still, with the consent and control of the authorities, the show represented an immense glimmer of hope and constituted a moment of return to life. It is not the few constraints that dampened enthusiasm, quite the contrary. Regardless, that day, the organizers made their mark and struck a major blow by showing that two years of misfortune had not dampened enthusiasm, and above all that they knew how to take risks. Obviously, having had the audacity to organize the MIFF while the threat of a return of a new wave of the pandemic loomed, we had to dare. Of course, it was only a modest transitional edition, but it had the merit of existing and proved to the world that the show was not dead, far from it. It was undoubtedly during this transitional edition that he definitively regained the place he had after this interruption. However, the organizers did not remain inactive before the return of the “physical” show. They put in place an element of the utmost importance which made it possible to maintain contact with the profession, and above all to do business. This one is called Furniverse. So suppliers and buyers were able to exchange and trade virtually. This initiative received great interest and laid the foundation stone for what we call hybrid trade shows. Furthermore, it must be said that this platform has been remarkably designed by the organizers allowing personalized online meetings. Thus, despite the turmoil, the show has never lost the thread of its existence. However, a virtual meeting place is not a physical trade fair, and getting the machine back up and running is not easy when you know the logistical constraints. This is why we must salute the success of this 2024 edition more than ever.

MIFF 2024


Focused on the issues of our time

If the Informa group's expertise is no longer in doubt, a show must adapt to the spirit of the times and to an era that is evolving very quickly. This essential parameter is a real challenge for any meeting of this scale. And this one, the organizers did magnificently. First of all, there is this global offering which has managed to cover a wide spectrum of trends, knowing how to mix all influences, while keeping competitive prices. This very advantageously highlighted the new products and innovations of the 715 exhibitors spread over the 100,000 m2 of the two exhibition areas, namely the WTCKL historic site where the great adventure of MIFF was born, and the recent MITEC, much more spacious, very functional, worthy of the most modern exhibition centers. This specificity of the two sites is perfectly accepted and appreciated by visitors thanks to the flawless organization put in place for transport from one platform to the other. This aspect of things is not a detail, and the well-being of visitors is essential, knowing that buyers' time is limited. For this purpose, there is another element that worked fully, it is the application Furniverse which simplified the visitor journey and allowed everyone to go directly to visit the suppliers knowing what they were looking for and going to find. Thanks to this innovation so simple in theory, the MIFF has entered the circle of modern salons, having been able to adapt to the most efficient technological requirements, but also adding a touch of originality, which has met with great success. Everyone had to plant a virtual tree. This original approach is also a sign that the organizers have been able to grasp the determining issues of the times to come, around eco-responsibility. These themes have become essential in all trades and any industrialist who does not integrate them is condemned. The phenomenon obviously did not escape the Informa teams who made it one of the unifying subjects, thus leading all exhibitors to respect these specifications. Incidentally, we should also not ignore the fact that Malaysia is a country where natural products, in this case wood, are essential for its economic development. This 2024 edition has therefore been in tune with underlying trends that managers of the MIFF However, they know them perfectly and have mastered them for a long time. However, supply has not missed the rise in technology either. Connectivity has thus been invited in the same way as high-tech materials, particularly among subcontractors. If it is an underlying trend for this 2024 edition, it combines according to the trilogy, sustainability, respect for the environment, and recycling. All under the sign of moving upmarket in products and design. Finally, let us mention to complete the recipes for success, the activities, and the competitions reserved for exhibitors rewarding the best presented stands, and the most remarkable products awarded by a jury of journalists of which we had the honor to be part. Also note finally, a competition named MFID reserved for designers and architects whose awards ceremony took place during a beautiful ceremony.

But when it comes time to conclude, there is one element that is impossible to ignore. This is about the quality of the welcome from the organizers. Beyond the success of the show in all respects, the Kuala Lumpur meeting is a must, as it is so pleasant to come there. Kindness, smile, efficiency in terms of services are the exceptional assets of the MIFF, and these have not been denied over the years. Without forgetting the magnificent exhibitors' evening which continues to delight us over the years. This show is therefore a truly unique moment due to its assets and the happiness it brings to everyone. This is why we are impatiently awaiting the first days of March 2025…

MFID The best of the best

Created over 10 years ago by the well-known and friendly designer IKO In, founder of In publishers Sdn bhd, publisher of a design magazine in Malaysia. The MFID design awards reward each year the best creators in the field of interior design. Each of the works proposed by the competitors aims to present the best in the field. Each project represents the embodiment of luxury and sophistication, seen by these high-level creators, via stylistic approaches, influenced by the meeting of continents, trends and cultures in a globalized universe. And of course sustainability is a common denominator.
It was therefore within the MITEC premises of the MIFF show that the awards ceremony took place, in a setting worthy of the event. This ceremony was a considerable success, to the fullest, proof that design is today an essential element in our living environments.

MIFF 2024
MIFF 2024
MIFF 2024

Here is the list of lucky and talented winners:

Category Best International Luxury Design and Cultural Fusion
1 Suzhou Dashu Shangpin Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. – France Romance
2 Apieceofart Sdn Bhd – Posh Remastered
3 GI Design Sdn Bhd – Modern Luxury Zen
4 Design studio MVH – Aira Residence

Category Best Luxury Penthouse Design
SQFT Space Design Management Sdn Bhd – W Residence
Spaceone I.D. Consultancy – The Mercury
Category Best International Luxury Showhouse Design
Hoe & Yin Design Sdn Bhd – Sky Vogue Type B
Nice-style Refurbishment Sdn Bhd – Setia Safiro Type A

Category Best International Luxury Home Design
One Space Group – Oriental Elegance
Stuarts Design – Luxe Noir
Shangceng Decoration (Beijing) Co.Ltd. – Eternal Genesis
Yimun Design & Build Sdn Bhd – Banyan Tree Residence
Dare Solution – LuCategory Best International Luxury Home Design

Category Best international luxury modern home design
Module K Vietnam – City Garden
Alvinterior Sdn Bhd – [Three]
X TWO Concept Sdn Bhd – Icon Mont Kiara
Wlea Interior Design Sdn Bhd – Back to 20’s

Category Best International Luxury Villa Design
ST Concepts (M) Sdn Bhd – Foreston
Shang Ceng Decoration Co.Ltd. – Star River Bay
JCS Design Project Sdn Bhd – Resort Villa Bungalow
ZD.Design – MARÉE

Category Best Sustainable Luxury Home Design
Nu Infinity Sdn Bhd – The Annex
Metrics Global Sdn Bhd – Evolving Edifices
Lava (Laboratory for Visionary Architecture) – Bondi Abode
Armarior Sdn Bhd – Josef Residence

Category Best Luxury Mansion Design
Jiangsu Jian Su Interior Design – Redefinition of Modernism – Beverly Hills of the East
Gusto Design & Build – The Italian Luxury
Double V Space Interior Studio – The Privatier
Dezeno – Wilson’s Residence
Shangceng Decoration V8 Studio / Li Jun Studio – Auspicious Spring & Autumn

Presentation of the prestigious honorary prize:
Peter Tay CEO of Peter Tay Studio