IMM Cologne 2024

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Let it be said if there was still a need, the living room IMM Cologne is one of the very heavyweights in the world of global trade fairs dedicated to furniture and interior decoration. It is even fair to say that he is one of the leaders. For the year 2024, this will be held from January 14 to 18 at the famous exhibition center in the beautiful city of Cologne. After a transitional 2023 session which took place in June last year, the big German meeting returns to its original dates, and thus marks its return to the forefront with a host of new products in its pipeline.

All this, however, deserves an explanation, and this one is called Covid, which has disrupted the calendar of the Koelnmesse teams who, as everyone knows, are in charge of organizing various and important trade shows throughout the year. It is therefore an understatement to say that they found themselves resolving extremely complex scheduling problems when the pandemic ended. In this regard IMM was a very special case. Indeed, this was held in a completely normal manner in 2020, a few weeks before the cataclysm. However, what was an asset at the time, turned into a headache to the extent that subsequent editions found themselves at the heart of the turmoil. Still, the organizers decided to move the IMM calendar so as not to break the rhythm too much and not leave too long an interval. This is how the last exhibition session was held in June 2023, an unusual date to say the least, but which made it possible to maintain activity. But we are now back to normal life and the 2024 version of IMM therefore returns to its usual place in January.

Facing the unthinkable

It goes without saying that the news was received with great satisfaction by the profession, both from exhibitors and visitors, who thus found their bearings. It should not be seen as a question of habits. It is above all in terms of efficiency that organizers and players in the sector think when it comes to trade show dates. A meeting of this scale is a fragile event, especially when its reputation is global and acquired over a long period of time. Changing the dates is a decision that involves a lot of people and requires a lot of skill on the part of the teams responsible for the maneuver. The phenomenon was all the more complex as they were confronted with the unthinkable with this pandemic and were forced to make a double modification with a session moved to the summer last year and reinstall a return to sources for this coming year.
Mission accomplished by Koelnmesse however, with this 2024 edition which allows the IMM show to regain its place as an essential meeting place in the furniture sector, to the great happiness of the profession. Finding their usual dates will allow everyone to get back on track, and restore meetings and exchanges between exhibitors and buyers to the dates of yesteryear. You should know that this is far from being an epiphenomenon. These significantly influence the volume and quality of trade. IMM has always taken place during this winter period, for ages and each of the partners adapts their order schedules according to the time. All this has an influence, not only on purchases, but also on manufacturing schedules. We must never forget that a trade fair is a place where we come to do business above all and not to wander around as a tourist, which our German friends have always understood well by making appointments beyond the Rhine. real purchasing platforms, above all else.

The face of renewal

However, who says professional shows, also says, highlighting the offer, attractive presentation of new products and innovations, events, meetings, conferences. This is therefore the task assigned to the organizers. And in this field Koelnmesse has always excelled, and this is what makes the lasting reputation of its events. It therefore goes without saying that the Koelnmesse teams have deployed all their know-how for this 2024 edition, a renewal. However, it is not a question of changing everything from the cellar to the attic but of adapting the January meeting to the new trends of its time, which has obviously changed due to the upheavals that the world is undergoing and which is forcing consumers to 'adapt. It therefore goes without saying that the organizers looked and observed all these changes very closely in order to offer a modern and attractive platform in terms of overall offer.
C’est donc un salon IMM en phase avec son époque, que les visiteurs découvriront du 14 au 18 janvier. Dans un monde toujours plus difficile à décrypter, celui ci joue la carte de la proximité et de l’interactivité. A cet effet, sera mis en place un système nommé “The Circles” autour de concepts de communautés, de rencontres, d’inspiration, d’échanges de connaissances, de découvertes des nouveautés et innovations mais aussi de joie de vivre, ou s’invitera la gastronomie. Ils se nommeront Circles café+Studio, installation Circles, Brand Circles, et Community Circles. Il s’agira de capter l’air du temps autour des demandes des consommateurs, tout en créant de la proximité, ce mot valise qui décrit pourtant ce à quoi aspirent les populations. Cette stratégie mise en place a un nom, ll se nomme “Connecting Communities”.

Make life easy

In terms of the structure of the overall offer, beyond this desire to develop networking which will constitute the driving force of the 2024 edition, the show will present modified, modernized and reinvented layouts put together by the Koelnmesse teams. at the helm of the event. Everything will be designed to facilitate meetings, exchanges, and of course the discovery of products, which can be tested in situ. Speaking of products, visitors will be able to discover a new hall dedicated to bedding called “Sleep Lounge”. In this environment where the air of renewal is blowing, young designers are obviously not forgotten, with the traditional competition, called Pure Talent reserved for the designers of tomorrow.
After the bad winds that have blown over the past three years, IMM is coming back stronger than ever. Knowing the know-how of the Koelnmesse teams, nothing surprising. These have perfectly integrated new consumer behaviors and the typology of human relationships. These new ideas were perfectly understood by the Rhine organizers. By re-entering the show according to its original calendar, the edition, IMM 2024, will be that of a return to a place, which is its own, namely the European leader in professional meetings dedicated to furnishing for the greatest pleasure of all players in the sector.